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Create your fragrance at the Perfume Museum.

Create your own personalized perfume at Fragonard!

The Fragrance Museum:

Just five minutes walk from the Relais Madeleine, the Fragonard house has opened a museum to the public retracing the history of perfume through the ages. There is no need to present this famous perfumery, founded in 1926 in Grasse, a town on the French Riviera, by Eugène Fuchs, who named it after the famous painter born there.  

In a 19th century old theatre, you can admire some 300 works of art related to perfume, from antiquity to today. ​

The perfume creation laboratory:

On Saturday mornings, upon reservation, a workshop offers to children and adults to create a personalized perfume, under the direction of a professional perfumery. For an hour and a half, you can create your own fragrance with notes of citrus fruits and orange blossom by picking from a 250-essence scented organ. At the end of this workshop, you will leave with an elegant personalized 100 ml bottle and its pouch, a diploma signed by the teacher and the apron of an apprentice perfumer used during the session.

Practical information.
​- Lieu : Musée du Parfum, 3-5 square de l’Opéra-Louis Jouvet, Paris IXè.
- Reservation required on the museum's website.
- Price : 95 €.
- Languages : français, anglais.
- Open to all from 12 years old.
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